St Edburg's Church - Bicester

Christmas Tree Festival - FAQ
Q: I’d like to decorate a tree. How do I join in?
A: Complete the form, overleaf or on our website, and submit with the appropriate fee.
Q: Is there a charge for taking part?
A: Yes, companies are asked to pay £44 and non-profit organisations / individuals £22 to help cover the cost of the trees.
Q: So, you provide the trees?
A: Yes, all trees will be supplied by us. They will be about 5-6ft tall and placed in a stand.
Q: Do I have to follow a Christmas theme for my decorations?
A: Not at all. Let your imagination and creativity run wild! We only ask that it is tasteful and not likely to cause offence. Please do not to use a spray on the trees.
Q: Do you provide the tree lights?
A: No, but electrical sockets will be available for LED lights. Please do not use lights that need batteries.
Q: Can I borrow the tree stand at the end of the festival?
A: Unfortunately, this will not be possible.
Q: Will the name of my organisation be displayed?
A: Yes. All trees will have a standard size label at eye level. In addition, you will be able to provide further advertising or information material to be placed at the foot of the tree but limited to a single A3 size space.
Q: How will the trees be allocated?
A: On a “first come, first served” basis on the day set aside for decorating the trees.
Q: When will the trees be decorated?
A: Anytime on Thursday 1st between 9.00am and 9.00pm. No more than 4 people per tree please.
Q: I don’t want my tree after the festival? Can I leave it behind?
A: Yes. Please complete ‘No’ on the booking slip. Once you have removed your decorations, let a steward know and your tree will be offered to others for a small donation. Decorations can be removed after ‘Carols in the Trees’ on Sunday 4th (eve) or on Monday 5th at 9.00am. Decorations not cleared by 10.00am will be bagged for collection later.
Q: Can I bring someone in a wheelchair?
A: Certainly. The festival is accessible without using steps with entry via the South door.
Q: Do you have toilet facilities?
A: Yes, toilets and baby changing facilities are available in the church.
Q: If I don’t have a tree this year, will I remain on your mailing list?
A: In accordance with GDPR regulations, we are asking permission to retain contact details of all those who have had a tree at a Festival, unless requested to remove them.
Please complete ‘Yes’ on the booking slip.