St Edburg's Church - Bicester

Requests for funding
PCC and Standing Committee
Procedure for funding requests
As trustees of the Charity and good stewards of the finances it is imperative that a sound process is in place.
To that end please follow the procedure outlined below when making a request for funding:
A written request to be submitted to the Standing Committee, at least 48 hours prior to the planned Standing Committee meeting clearly outlining the requirement and the amount of funding requested.
For requests below £500 then only a single quotation is required.
For requests between £500 and £1000 then two (2) quotations are required.
For requests above £1000 then three (3) quotations are required.
Once discussed by the Standing Committee the request, if approved by the Standing Committee, will be added to the agenda for the next PCC meeting.
Dates of Standing Committee and PCC meetings
Standing Committee PCC